to Senthil's Travels!
About Me
I'm sure if you found this site you probably already know who I am. But in case i've been gone so long you already forgot, you can read this about me page.
I'm Senthil and back in September of 2019 I decided to quit my job in order to go backpacking in Asia for a couple of months. It was a tough decision but one that I felt would ultimately be the best for me as it's something that I know I will regret not doing and won't really get many opportunities to make it happen. I figured it's when I will have the least responsibility, the most time, and enough savings to do a long trip so I wanted to take advantage of my situation.
This site is meant to be a simple blog that I make small posts on every once in a while just to let anyone who is interested know a little bit about where I am and what i'm doing. Hopefully it doesn't end up being too difficult to manage and I keep up with it throughout the trip so I have a nice record of it to share with you all and look back on in the future!
Despite the distance and time difference please feel free to reach out to me, I'm always happy to keep in touch! The best method for me would either be Facebook messenger or email (through contact me page).