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Travel Blog

Taiwan and some updates

Well it's been a pretty busy month meeting up with college friends and Connecticut friends while traveling around Taiwan. It was quite a...

Seoul, Jeju, now on to Taiwan

My last 2 weeks in Korea have been much more outdoorsy than the first 2 weeks. I went hiking to the highest peak in Bukhansan National...


For my first week in Korea I was in Busan and really liked the big city by the sea vibe it had. There were lots of great beaches and...

Boat to Busan

Spent the past week in Hiroshima and Fukuoka then took the ferry to Busan yesterday! Hiroshima was a much quieter city with a slower pace...


Recently was in Kyoto and then Osaka for about 4 days each. Kyoto was really nice for fall foliage which I just managed to catch the tail...


This past week I've been in Hokkaido, specifically Hakodate but made a day trip to Sapporo. My CouchSurfing host was an English tutor who...

First week, Tokyo

My first week in Tokyo is about done and it's been great! I've done a lot of the major things around the city like walking around the...

Seattle trip on my way to Tokyo

Spent a few days visiting Seattle before my flight to Tokyo and really enjoyed it! I'm thinking about what cities I want to live in when...

Adventure in Asia Summary

So for my first blog post I want to share 3 things - the purpose of my trip, a rough schedule, and my plans for afterwards. I travel to...

Balboa Park Portrait.jpg
About Me

This site is meant to be a simple blog that I make small posts on every once in a while just to let anyone who is interested know a little bit about where I am and what i'm doing... 

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