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  • Writer's pictureSenthil


Recently was in Kyoto and then Osaka for about 4 days each. Kyoto was really nice for fall foliage which I just managed to catch the tail end of right before all the leaves finally fell. A lot of the temples had events at night where they put on light shows and illuminations that were really cool to see! People were also dressed in kimonos everywhere I went and there were a lot of streets that were intentionally preserved as historic walking districts, which have Kyoto a really nice atmosphere that felt very traditional and more cultural than a lot of Japan which feels very modern and advanced.

In Osaka there wasn't a whole lot to do, which was nice cause it gave me a bit of a chance to rest and relax a little, go to the hot springs, and catch up on some sleep. But also, in Osaka there is so much more to eat! Didn't realize how well known the city was for food in Japan and all the various specialty dishes, markets, and different styles on Japanese classic dishes they had.

Kyoto (Click on the arrows to scroll for more photos 🙂):

Osaka (Click on the arrows to scroll for more photos 🙂):

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